Monday, December 7, 2009

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

My parents just left this morning after a wonderful long weekend visit. We didn't see them for Thanksgiving since we stayed here and had our own little holiday, and we'll be visiting with Dan's parents and extended family for Christmas, so we had a lot to pack into one weekend! My mom and I went Christmas shopping (for clothes she's giving me) on Saturday, kid-free! It was wonderful, even though for the first time in my entire life we left Kohl's without a single purchase! Lol.

Saturday evening we got out all our Christmas stuff, and then had a mini-Christmas with gifts my Grandma sent out. We ended up putting our fake 3-4ft tree up on top of a card table. There's no way I wanted to fight with Arianna to stay away from something that exciting! It was lots of fun, and the girls had a blast. Marissa remembers her Grandma and Grandpa, obviously, but Arianna didn't have a clue! She was so weird - one second she'd be grinning her face off at Grandpa, and the next second she burst into terrified screams. Lol. Arianna was kinda a grump the whole weekend. I think this LACK OF SLEEP is starting to get to her too!

One cute thing Arianna started doing like crazy is clapping for herself while she walks around the room! She also decided to climb up onto the couch when no one was paying attention to her! Someone saw her as she was reaching for all the stuff on the shelf above the couch, and got to her in time. But as they put her back down on the floor, she was clapping for herself! Too funny! She also is finally starting to imitate the sounds we make. She's been too busy WALKING to talk (not to mention, Marissa doesn't really let her get a word in anyways!), but this weekend she was imitating us saying "Uh-oh" and it was so cute. She also figured out how to open the ottomans in our living room. One of them we use as a toybox and the other holds blankets to use on the couch. This could be interesting!

We all went to church together Sunday, and then almost everyone took a nap Sunday afternoon. I did, and it felt wonderful! Then we went to Sam's and out to dinner together. It was so much fun to spend all that time together, and Marissa was great entertainment. Lol. Arianna was cute and fun enough, but she really was just not herself this weekend. She's been waking up every 1/2 hour, for hours on end, in the middle of the night, and she does NOT take good naps at all to make up for it. I'm at my wit's end, but I'm still not willing to let her cry it out. I just keep thinking it's got to get better at some point, right?! This weekend, she slept in the pack-n-play in our master walk-in closet, since my parents slept on the guest bed that's in her room. That may have had something to do with the 1/2 hour thing, but she doesn't really sleep much better in her own room! I think I'm going to break down and at least put blankets in her bed. "They" say to wait until kids are 1, but I know many people don't actually wait that long. And I think maybe she's just cold, or uncomfortable. She sleeps great in bed with me, and on anyone's lap, so maybe she just wants to be more cuddly?

Today, Marissa helped me decorate the tiniest Christmas tree ever. I used to have it in my bedroom as a kid, and my brother and sister and I even made "ornaments" to put on it! So now it's on our entryway table, and Marissa thinks it's pretty cute.

I didn't do any work this weekend, and they don't have any work for me until Friday, so I'm enjoying a short break from it. Not like it's hard, it's just nice to have time to do other things I want to do instead of having it hang over my head 'til it's done.

Well, we've got a lot going on between now and Christmas, but I hope I can at least try to keep up!

1 comment:

Jillian said...

That's awesome that you could visit with your family! As much as I love having all of our family close, I sometimes think it would be fun to have out of town guests like that. That probably sounds weird though??